VenueNet Operations

VenueNet Operations

We will do a permanent install of Wi-Fi networking hardware in your facility and arrange for a high-speed Internet connection which we will monitor and manage for you.  We will re-configure it for each new event per its specific requirements.


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Becoming a VenueNet location makes it much easier for you to host more, and more complicated events. You'll no longer need to go over how all the IoT technical components interact, that becomes Slice's job, at no cost to you. Slice arranges pricing with the events production team directly, ensuring that they get exactly what they need, at Slice's great prices.

While we work with the event producers to provide the right speed and configuration, as the event manager, you can turn your attention to other matters, knowing that when the show starts Slice will have taken one worry off your list. 

Slice provides regularly replaced up-to-date hardware and our peerless technical experience to make sure your locations provide high-quality service.